EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: ABAI Autism Conference 2014: Robert Pennington: Behavioral Intervention in the Public Schools

- Good news on the horizon
- Increased emphasis on
- Data and accountability
- Research-based practice
- Behavior analysts are getting on to special ed faculties.
- In KY they will have four BCBA-prep programs.
- Increased emphasis on
- Whenever you can get on non-behavior analysis boards, do it.
- Be available for free consultation.
- Consultants must work with the administration and teachers, not just the kids.
- You can’t just tell the teachers what to do and then split.
- Go for low-hanging fruit to grab the staff.
- Think small.
- Train to fidelity
- You’ve got to hang in and make sure it’s working.
- RWM: Does consulting actually work; and if so, do the effects maintain?
- I don’t think the natural outcomes of using effective behavior technology maintains the difficult work of implementing that tech.
- What do the data show?
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