EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: : ABAI Autism Conference 2014: Mark Sundberg: Verbal Behavior & Everyday Life

Verbal Behavior Instruction in Everyday Life
- People are learning behavioral procedures, unfortunately without learning the underlying principles of behavior.
- Gates vs. Jobs videos or
- Son-Rise vs. ABA on U-Tube.
- You can’t learn how to do it on the Internet.
- Evidence-based is now the big self-aclaimed cliche.
- Hypes the VB Map over ABELS because he now uses developmental info.
- Check out Lovaas’s Web site to see how the current approach is much different from the original one.
- But we must hang on to the Principles of Behavior on which it’s all based.
- ABAI has a developmental SIG; so ABAI needs to coordinate with them on the ABAI Bijou award.
- Traditional developmental psych doesn’t help much.
- RWM: I’m not sure the typical developmental sequence should always dictate our curricular sequence.
- RWM: Mark’s nailing it.
- RWM: Discrete trial at the table is often the most effective, efficient procedure for teaching. And then it’s not that big a deal to get transfer and/or generalization to everyday life, if we just do it.
- You can’t teach a typical kid everything he needs to learn through only incidental teaching.
- Marks, hates expressive and receptive, arguing that we need to stick with stick with the VB terms.
- RWM: Come on Mark, cut us a little slack. I and some of my coolest PhD students sometimes find it convenient to talk/write in terms of expressive and receptive, without becoming becoming cognitivists.
- Verbal Behavior isn’t the f-ing bible.
- Nice video Mark pirated from his little brother, Carl, showing how a huge number of discrete trials can be integrated within away-from-the-table, everyday-ish activities.
- Is it fair to the competition to do videos with such cute kids?
- Don’t use the DT voice—cute.
- Referencing Hart & Risley quite a bit at least at the Wikipedia level.
- Maybe we need to check them out again.
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