Practicum Requirements

The Professional Psychology Practicum (PPP) portion focuses on working in human services settings. Students will obtain practicum hours at WoodsEdge Learning Center or the Kalamazoo Autism Center implementing discrete-trial training with individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities.
WoodsEdge provides services to autistically impaired (AI), severally mentally impaired (SMI), and multiply impaired (SXI) children through age 26. The Kalamazoo Autism Center is a special daycare/autism program for children with autism, developmental delays, and other special needs. This program will be coordinated with and supplement the specific training that these children may already be receiving in the school. Your first experience will be working directly with a child, implementing discrete-trial procedures either at KAC or in Carmen Jonaitis’ Early Childhood Developmentally Delayed (ECDD) classroom, which consists of children ages 2 through 6.
In addition to their 10-hour per week practicum experience, students meet weekly as a group with a licensed psychologist and Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) to discuss the work they are doing with their assigned children, and receive feedback and suggestions for improvement. Students can graduate with their Master’s degree and acquire a temporary limited license to practice psychology (TLLP) in the state of Michigan, as well as be eligible to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).

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