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Master's Projects

Students begin their M.A. Projects during the Fall semester of their first year and continue them throughout their second year, culminating in a paper and PowerPoint presentation.  The project involves teaching undergraduate psychology courses, PSY 3600/1000H and/or PSY 4600, and completing a Research and Development (R&D) project based on your management of the system for which you are selected.


                                                     Research & Development (R&D) Projects

Each student will conduct a research and development (R&D).  A second-year Master’s student will supervise you, and you will supervise at least one undergraduate research assistant. 

R&D projects include:

-  Behavior Analysis Training System (BATS)

-  Behavioral Research Supervisory System (BRSS)

-  Language Facilitation Training System Vocal Verbal (LFTS-VB)

-  Language Facilitation Training System Icon Exchange (LFTS – IE)

-  Autism Pre-Practicum

-  Intermediate Autism Practicum

-  Self-Management (SM)

-  Graduate School Preparation (GRE)

-  Project Performance Management Project (PPMS)

-  Kalamazoo Autism Center (KAC)

-  Media

-  Alumni and Recruitment

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