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Work Shows

Work shows are interactive PowerPoint lessons. We've included most work shows on your USB in your coursepack. However, for your convenience, we've also posted them here. They work on most computers and laptops. If you have any trouble opening these files, we recommend that you go to the computer lab on campus. You will be quizzed over the work show material, so it is important that you review the work shows early, in case you encounter any technical difficulties.

Course Procedures

Contingency Diagramming Part 1

Contingency Diagramming Part 2

Chapter 2

Contingency Diagramming Checklist
You can use this on your contingency diagramming quiz!
It's also helpful for completing diagrams on your homework!

Sick Social Cycle: Victim's Escape Model

Sick Social Cycle: Victim's Punishment Model

Chapter 8: Shaping Workshow

Stimulus Equivalence

Stimulus Generalization

Discrete Trial vs. Free Operant

Transfer & Maintenance

How to Avoid a PowerPoint Disaster


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