WoodsEdge Learning Center
The site of PSY 3570 is the Early Childhood Special Education classroom at WoodsEdge Learning Center in Portage, MI. WoodsEdge Learning Center provides educational services for individuals from Kalamazoo County with behavioral, emotional, and physical impairments.
The Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) classroom provides behavioral interventions for children with developmental disabilites ranging in age from two to five years of age. Unique to most schools offering a behavioral discrete-trial teaching method, WoodsEdge is a publically-funded program allowing access to behavioral technology for free to children from all economic, social, and cultural backgrounds.
The ECSE classroom is open year-round from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.. The PSY 3570 schedule follows the ECSE/WoodsEdge schedule rather than WMU's. This means that although WMU may have a scheduled day off, PSY 3570 tutors may still be required to attend their session at WoodsEdge to fulfill their course requirements.
For more information regarding the practicum or WoodsEdge Learning Center, please contact the Practicum Coordinator, Kelli Perry, at kelli.l.perry@wmich.edu
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