Q: What is the Preliminary Autism Practicum?
A: The Preliminary Autism Practicum (aka Pre-Prac) is a prerequisite course to PSY 357 Basic Autism Practicum. The goal of Pre-Prac is to teach the basic skills needed to start in the Basic Practicum and the policies of the practicum site.
Q: Why should I take the Preliminary Autism Practicum?
A: Pre-Prac is a REQUIRED prerequisite, along with PSY 3600 Concepts in Behavior Analysis, needed in order to take the Basic Autism Practicum.
Q: When should I take the Preliminary Autism Practicum?
A: You should take Pre-Prac the semester BEFORE you plan on taking the Basic Autism Practicum. For example, if you plan to graduate in Spring 2011 and need to take the Basic practicum in Spring 2011, you must take Pre-Prac in Fall of 2010.

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