« EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: ABAI Autism Conference 2014: Catherine Lord: Where Did the DSM-5 Criteria Come from and Where Are They Going to Take Us? | Main | EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: ABAI Autism Conference 2014: Tiffany Kodak: Instructive Feedback »

EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: ABAI Autism Conference 2014: Dick's Comment

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  1. Behavior Analysis
    1. Understanding in terms of the principles of behavior.
    2. Not research, especially not single-organism research
      1. Good for understanding human beings on an individual level
      2. Especially with huge individual differences 
      3. The detailed processes
  2. Actuarial data collected by group designs.
  3. To impact areas beyond autism
  4. Click here to be redirected to the Evernote to continue reading!

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