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EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: ABAI Autism Conference 2014: Phillip Strain. Workshop: The Power of Peers to Influence Young Children's Social Competence

The Power of Peers to Influence Young Children's Social Competence
  1. Early childhood peer relations is a strong predictor of many things of importance.
    1. The implication is that it’s important for the kids to acquire social skills to facilitate childhood friendships.
    2. It may be that one of the reasons these friendships are so important is because the friendships provide the opportunity for the learning of all sorts of other skills. 
    3. Learning social skills is on an even higher priority than language skills.
    4. RWM: So we’ve got a correlation. 
      1. Now the question is what are the causal sequences? 
      2. If you’re cool in several issues that will help you become socially skilled. 
      3. And if you’re socially skilled you will have the opportunity to learn the language skills.
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