Notes from a Roving Radical Behaviorist: Europe: Day 5
Friday, October 1, 2010 at 12:14PM
The reason you're not as cool as me is that you don't have a $200 Flip Mino HD video recorder. If you did, then you could make cool videos like this, at least if you're Oslo, Norway. I love my Flip almost as much as my new iPhone 3Gs, for which I paid $600 for the upgrade, so I'd have a compass to guide me around Oslo. The Flip is only 0.66 the size of the iPhone and 1.3 times as cool.
I love the lady in the opening shot. She's so sweet. She sign-motioned me to show her what I'd videoed. When I shoot people on the street like this, I wish I could give them a copy, people who probably don't have internet.
So please check out my Oslo Street Music video by pasting the following address into your internet browser.
And while you’re there, please check out two more recent Oslo Street Music videos, the ones above entitled
Oslo Street Music: I Found Jesus in the Train Station
Oslo Street Music. Father & Daughter
And while you’re there, feel free to check out the three old-gold ones at the bottom of the list.
Muchas gracias,
Dick Malott
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