Notes from a Roving Radical Behaviorist: Europe: Day 12 - Copenhagen's Tivoli
Couple days in Copenhagen, Denmark. Spent until 4 PM yesterday trying to get my iPhone 3Gs European data straight so I could continue using its GPS and emergency phone calls by only paying a small fortune and not going completely bankrupt, trying to get my credit card functioning reliably, trying to book a train to Paris, trying to get a hotel for one night in Paris before moving into a one-week apartment there, all with moderate success and moderate frustration, and yet still marveling at what you can do and almost do on the internet in 2009. Love it.
Then I headed for downtown, but got stuck in Tivoli, where I couldn’t leave until I’d shoot 300 photos and 30 minutes of mino HD video, got back to my room at 10 PM, wiped out, but got sucked into spending 3 hours combining and reducing my 30 minutes of 25 videos to one 8-minute video, only realizing the next day that I should have been riding on the wonderful rides in Tivoli, instead of documenting everyone else’s rides. Please click below to check out the resultant video.
If the video is stuttering because the data stream is so large, go for a long trip to the john, while it downloads to your computer; then play it again, and it should work. Please let me know, if that technique does work for you and how much of a pain in your particular butt the stuttering video is.
Now, I’m going to try to book that Paris room and then actually get passed the Tivoli and down town to shoot a few more hundred photos.
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