« Notes from a Roving Radical Behaviorist: Europe: Day 23: Dinner in Carcassonne, France | Main | Notes from a Roving Radical Behaviorist: Behavioral Technology and Also Street Music »

Notes from a Roving Radical Behaviorist: A Living Statue and Behavioral Technology


Street Performer She's cool, as is the balloon girl, as is the background music by Uakti, an avant-garde, classically-trained Brazilian group who make their own instruments. 
Please check her out at 
'cause, you know, ah..., like she's cool.


Back in the day, BF Skinner and WMU alum Marge Peterson (aka Maggie Vaughn) wrote "How to Get a Real Kick Out of Old Age" or "Enjoying Old Age" or something like that, in which they suggested that if you're over 25 you probably should leave items by your front door that you want to remember to take with you when you leave. I tried that and it didn't work, perhaps because I usually exited by the back door, something the Drs. Skinner and Vaughn must not have anticipated. But now, inspired by positive behavioral support, I've advanced the Skinner-Vaughn technology considerably, as the accompanying photo demonstrates, the Malott Hang-It-On-The Door-Knob technology, thereby preventing the considerable embarrassment I'd been unintentionally inflicting on these conservative Europeans.

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