Principles of Behavior

7th Edition
by Richard Malott, Joseph Shane
This book offers a solid introduction to the principles of behavior using a clear, interesting, entertaining style with many case studies, and everyday examples. It maintains a high level of intellectual rigor, addressing fundamental concepts at the beginning of each chapter with more advanced topics left for one of the two enrichment sections within each chapter. Chapter topics cover the reinforcer, reinforcement, escape, punishment, penalty, extinction and recovery, differential reinforcement and punishment, shaping, unlearned reinforcers and aversive conditions, special establishing operations, learned reinforcers and aversive conditions, discrimination, imitation, avoidance, punishment by prevention, ratio schedules, time-dependent schedules, concurrent contingencies, stimulus-response chains and rate contingencies, respondent conditioning, analogs to reinforcement, a theory of rule-governed behavior, pay for performance, moral and legal control, maintenance, transfer, and research methods. For psychologists, clinical psychologists, and social workers who do not specialize in behavioral analysis; as well as for supervisors and managers.
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Reader Comments (3)
Dr. Malott, I purchased your book Principles of Behavior to help me study for my BCABA test which I've failed once. I must say I can follow along with this book way more then the Applied Behavior Analysis by Cooper, Heron, and Heward. I am memorizing all the concepts, general rules, tables, and examples of behavioral practices. I would like to be able to use the study guides that you provide at the end of each chapter. I'm having trouble locating this information on your web site. Thanks for your help or any guidance you can give me.
Yes, I came here looking for the vocabulary and other items mentioned in chapter one and I am not seeing them. I clicked on the picture of the book but it sent me to a site to purchase it??
To see the vocabulary, click on "Download the definition flash cards here". Thank you!