Instructor Contact Info

Instructor: Dr. Richard Malott
Phone: (269) 372-1268
Graduate Assistant: Kelly Stone
Phone (269) 599-5769
This course is a continuation of PSY 6100. The emphasis is on the rule governance of complex behavior of verbal human beings. Areas of analysis include behavioral medicine, and rehabilitation, behavioral anthropology, family life, child rearing, community interventions, education, self-management, organizational behavior management, developmental disabilities, autistic behavior, neurotic behavior, and sexual behavior. PSY 6100 and 6710 combine to provide a behavior-analytic world view. The text consists of a course pack with semi-programmed instruction on applied behavior analysis and including many additional articles and chapters.
Instructor: Dr. Richard Malott
Phone: (269) 372-1268
Graduate Assistant: Kelly Stone
Phone (269) 599-5769
Here are templates and examples of the Final Fiesta (OBM) paper and project. Be sure to use the Final Feista Checklist when writing your paper and making your PowerPoint presentation.
Below are the materials for the Jewish Mother Assignment including the presentation gave during class. Included are some student examples as well.
Here are the work shows for PSY 6710. They include the GDSD work show and the Purple Sheet work shows. The GDSD work show also has two supplemental assignments that you will need to turn in to your instructor.
Here is the Self-Management paper and PowerPoint presentation template. Follow these templates carefully and be sure to fill out each of the contingencies enclosed. Be sure to follow the Self-Management Checklist because this is what your instructor will be using to grade each project.
You will have several voacb quizzes throughout this course. We have provided flash cards in your course pack, but you can also access them online!
PSY 6710 starts July 18th and ends August 19th. Class meets every day (M-F) from 3-6pm. Check out the course procedures and assignment guide here.
This course is a continuation of PSY 6100. The emphasis is on the rule governance of complex behavior of verbal human beings. Areas of analysis include behavioral medicine, and rehabilitation, behavioral anthropology, family life, child rearing, community interventions, education, self-management, organizational behavior management, developmental disabilities, autistic behavior, neurotic behavior, and sexual behavior. PSY 6100 and 6710 combine to provide a behavior-analytic world view.