PSY 6100 deals with the concepts & principles of behavior analysis in a rigorous but entertaining manner, with many applied & everyday life examples. You will cover 1-2 chapters each class period. During class, you will review the homework, present original examples, and take a quiz over the days assignments.
The texts for Psy 6100 are Principles of Behavior (6th edition) & I’ll Stop Procrastinating When I Get Around to It, as well as extensive support materials that will be available in a course pack. This is all available at the Bernhard Center bookstore.
Course Description

PSY 6100 deals with the concepts & principles of behavior analysis in a rigorous but entertaining manner, with many applied & everyday life examples. You will cover 1-2 chapters each class period. During class, you will review the homework, present original examples, and take a quiz over the days assignments.
Instructor Contact Info

Instructor: Dr. Richard Malott
Phone: (269) 372-1268
PSY 6100 Graduate Assistant: Kelly Kohler
Phone (269) 599-5769

Flash Cards

For each quiz, you will be required to memorize the definitions in the book. We've provided flash cards in your coursepack, but in case you'd like an electronic version, here they are!

The required text for this class is Priciples of Behavior, 7th Edition, written by Dr. Richard W. Malott and Joseph T. Shane
ISBN: 0205959490, Publisher: Pearson.
Check out some extra chapters that didn't make it into the book!
View Ch 1-5 of a current version of our book:
Homework Ch 2-6

All homework can be found in your coursepack. However, if you have placed an order for your coursepack at the bookstore and are still waiting for it to come in, we've posted the first few assignments for you.
Work Shows

Work shows are interactive PowerPoint lessons. We've included all work shows on your CD in your coursepack. However, for your convenience, we've also posted them here. They work on most computers and laptops. If you have any trouble opening these files, we recommend that you go to the computer lab on campus. You will be quizzed over the work show material, so it is important that you review the work shows early, in case you encounter any technical difficulties.
BATS 2010, Austin Mifsud

To view full screen, click the four arrows in the bottom right corner.
BATS 2010, Austin Mifsud

To view full screen, click the four arrows in the bottom right corner.
Flash Cards

For each quiz, you will be required to memorize the definitions in the book. We've provided flash cards in your coursepack, but in case you'd like an electronic version, here they are!
Procrastination Manual

The Procrastination Manual is available through Behaviordelia, or through the WMU bookstore. In case you are unable to order the book in time for the first class, the first 5 chapters are provided below.
Extra Chapters