Self-Management (PSY 3621)
Self-Management (Psychology 3621) is a great course that teaches you how to manage time, prioritize weekly class assignments, and to enhance study skills. You are taught how to eliminate procrastination by breaking down large assignments into smaller components that are more manageable to complete. You will learn about useful tools to utilize in academia and life. This course will focus primarily on the completion of assignments from your other scheduled courses.
Contact Information

Senior Manager
Melanie Pomaville

Junior Manager
Chelsea Roberts
Helpful Files

Here are some files that may be useful to you.
TVF (Task Verification Form)
Active Reading (PowerPoint)
Active Reading (Worksheet)
The Syllabus Fall 2015

This is the SIM. It is a more interactive type of syllabus.
What is Self-Management?

Self-Management (Psychology 3621) is a great course that teaches you how to manage time, prioritize weekly class assignments, and to enhance study skills. You are taught how to eliminate procrastination by breaking down large assignments into smaller components that are more manageable to complete. You will learn about useful tools to utilize in academia and life.
Who should take this course?

Everyone! Self-management tools are useful to men, women, and children of all ages! In fact, ANY student at Western Michigan University is eligible to enroll, not just psychology students. Even students with a 4.0 GPA have found great use for Self-Management.
What are the class requirements?

The Self-Management class is a one credit hour class that meets once a week for 75 minutes. This is a two-track course that requires you to complete weekly self-assigned tasks and provide proof of task completion each week and complete a non-academic Self-Management project. The non-academic project is an opportunity for you to apply the Self-Management technology to another aspect of your life.
Why take the Self-Management class?

Self-Management (Psychology 3621) is a great course that teaches you how to:
- manage time
- prioritize weekly class assignments
- enhance study skills.