KAC: PSY 3570 Spring 2016 Syllabus

KAC is a practicum run by Dr. Malott’s graduate students, with the help of his supervision. Undergraduate students in the practicum gain professional and practical experience while working at the center. Students work one on one with a child 2 hours a day, for a total of 10 hours each week, as well as attend a weekly seminar. Many students call the practicum “a life changing experience.”
Visit our new webpage! KalamazooAutismCenter.com
The required text for the course is Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family's Triumph over Autism by Catherine Maurice. The book is a mother's account of her family's search for an effective treatment for her child diagnosed with autism.
The Kalamazoo Autism Center(KAC) Basic Practicum is practicum offered to undergraduate students who are doing their first semester at KAC. During this course students will be required to work one on one in the booth with a child with autism or another developmental disability for 10 hours a week. In addition to time spent in the booth, basic students will also recieve additional skill training during seminar. Basic students are also required to read Let Me Hear Your Voice by Catherine Maurice. If you have any further questions please contact Nicole Bell at Nicole.L.Bell@wmich.edu
Junior System Managers
Michael Tomak
Liz Sutton
The Kalamazoo Autism Center Pre-practicum course is a required prerequisite to the Basic practicum. It is a one credit hour course that is offered the last seven weeks of each semester. This course will provide you with training on the basic skills needed for an efficeint transition into the basic practicum. If you have any quesitons email Kris Bodine at kristen.d.bodine@wmich.edu.
Psy 3570: Autism Practicum at the Kalamazoo Autism Center (KAC)
This is a practicum for college students interested in working with children with autism and other developmental disabilities. Students will be trained and supervised by Dr. Malott and his graduate students.
If you have any questions, please contact the practicum coordinators:
Kelly Kohler: Kelly.Kohler@wmich.edu
Jenn Freeman: Jennifer.173.freeman@wmich.edu
The Kalamazoo Autism Center Intermediate and Advanced Practicum is offered to undergraduates taking the KAC practicum for a second or third semester. They will read and discuss relevant articles from the field of behavior analysis, as well as take on more roles and responsibilities as they continue their practical experience at the KAC.